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  4. 学生フォーミュラ日本大会2019

学生フォーミュラ2019:全車両カタログ 22:Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • 2019/09/04
  • Motor Fan illustrated編集部

フレーム構造 Steeltube Spaceframe
ボディ材 Fiber-glass
サスペンション(前/後) Double unequal unparalleled A-arm Pull rod/Double unequal unparalleled A-arm Push rod
全長×全高 3040 × 1170 mm
軸距 1550 mm
輪距(前/後) 1220/1200 mm
重量(前後比) 189.1 kg(49.3:50.7)
最低地上高 40 mm
ホイール/タイヤ 10 inch Keizer 18×6.0- 10 LC0 Hoosier
エンジン KTM 450 SX-F
排気量 449.9 cc
最高出力 31.23 hp/8500 rpm
最大トルク 32.344/6800 rpm
給気方式 Natural induction
燃料タンク容量 6.75 L
変速機 Manual
最終減速機 Chain and Sprocket, LSD Drexler FSAE v1
ブレーキ(前/後) AP Racing CP4227, 4 Pot dia 25.4 mm 2 Pc. Aluminum/AP Racing CP4227, 2 Pot dia 25.4 mm 2 Pc. Aluminum
特記事項 Launch Control, Anti Roll Bar, Double Layer Rear Wing

■ 車の特徴とチームの抱負
The latest and greatest prototype, the 8th generation car has a concept of swift by exploring the potential of the engine and perfecting the car geometry. The BM-8 uses MoTeC M400 ECU equipped with launch control for maximum performance and uses anti-roll bar to reduce roll motion and increase tire grip especially in high-speed cornering.

Car No.:22
Total score:464.99
Cost Score:20.06
Presentation Score:66.40
Design Score:82.00
Acceleration Score:43.14
Skid Pad Score:53.21
Autocross Score:75.21
Endurance Score:85.09
Efficiency Score:39.88
Endurance and Efficiency Score:124.97

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